The Lens

Ethel Is No Ordinary Pig!

Ethel Is No Ordinary Pig!

When Ethel came into this world, barely 6 months ago, she weighed 1.5 kilos. Today Ethel hits the scale at 90 kilos. She has put on 15 kilos per month, and we are delighted. Whilst a lot of people wouldn’t find that type of weight gain attractive, at One Horizon we certainly do.  Ethel came into this world via the help of travelers. The fees paid to be part of our GO GRANNY GO tour, funded her mum’s maternity care, food, and lodgings.  And the result was a healthy litter of 15 piglets, each of whom have gone on to be gifted to other grandmas in our small business program. Some call this responsible tourism or sustainable travel. Travelers that leave a place better off than when they arrived. We call it combining a social purpose with a holiday for an extraordinary experience. Grandmas with successful, independent small business whose lives have turned around. The ultimate in working together to make this place a better world. Follow this link to find out more.   You gotta admit, Ethel is pretty cute and very photogenic!