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12 days culinary tour Chile

Story by Paula Christensen Ecotours


This is a wonderful personalized culinary tour specially focused on markets, cooking classes, excellent restaurant dinners, and wine tastings, plus a perfect combination of visiting vineyards of Central Valley Chile, the remote and unknown Carretera Austral, and its famous marble caves in Aysen region. With a bilingual guide and all ground private transportation, this tour is the best option for a culinary experience in a rich and flavorsome country.

Carretera Austral lamb barbecue typical gourmet food
Quincho for lamb barbecue in Mallin Colorado Ecolodge, Patagonia, Chile

You will be visiting vineyards and wineries in Chile, fresh markets in vibrant Santiago city and will have wine tasting and wine pairing sessions. Plus hands-on cooking classes with a chef in Santiago, and two 3-nights-stays in gourmet lodges, one in Curicó valley and the other one in the south of Carretera Austral. A couple of days in Patagonia will bring you to visit the marble caves and river Baker, plus learning how to prepare the lamb barbecue according to the Patagonian way.  Adding on to that, you will also able to learn about the famous wild champignon, morelle that grows in the native forests of Mallin Colorado, Carretera Austral ecolodge, and prepare the delicious morelle soup.

Inside a Patagonian lodge kitchen
Cook and taste in a Patagonian kitchen with wood stove oven, cook home made bread, collect morelles and prepare pisco sour with us

For this holiday, you will be staying in different accommodations. For the first three nights, you will stay in the Hotel of Santiago. The following next three nights, you will be staying at the Mapuyampay lodge. On the seventh day, you will be transferred back to the Hotel in Santiago. For the following next two days, you will then be staying at the Mallin Colorado Ecolodge on Lake General Carrera, and finally for the last night, you will arrive at Coyhaique for lodging.

This tour is not only cooking and eating, you will have also the chance to visit the less known road of Chile, Carretera Austral, a paradise of nature in its original state, almost untouched, almost as it was created. And one of the main attractions nowadays is the marble caves. You will take a boat on lake General Carrera ans visit the marble caves, rock formations at the water level with amazing turquoise colors and an absolutely fascinating experience of solitude, silence, mystique.

Learn to cook tha Patagonian way with us
Enjoy this culinary tour in Chile, visit Santiago, central valley and Patagonia in 12 days with u 

Chile wineries, wine tasting, culinary adventure
Chile wineries in Central Valley ill be visited with this tour