The Galapagos with Geographic Expeditions, A Leader in Sustainability

By Tomorrow's Air

The landscapes and creatures of the Galapagos provide one of the most concentrated doses of celebration of life one can imagine. 

In fact, long before they took the name of their native tortoises, the Galápagos were known to whalers and pirates of the Pacific as Las Islas Encantadas—the Enchanted Islands. 

As their guest to the Galapagos you’ll meet boobies, frigates, storm petrels, sea lions, iguanas, finches and octopuses as you gently cruise through the Genovesa, Santa Cruz, Santiago and Rabida Islands. Evening cocktails and nature talks are part of the program.

A portion of your travel spending will also help fund the IGTOA Galápagos Traveler Conservation Fund, supporting critical conservation projects through partners like the Charles Darwin Foundation, WildAid, and Sea Shepherd, and local initiatives like schools.

In addition to their focus on travel’s local benefits, Geographic Expeditions is a Tomorrow’s Air partner, inviting guests to help build the carbon removal movement and channel funding carbon removal innovators.

Learn more about the experience. 

All images via @geoex